Privacy Policy

company data & privacy

with adherence to the Art. 12 of the new EU Regulation 2016/679 which
requires to provide the data subject with regard to the processing of data in the form
(1) concise, (2) transparent, (3) intelligible (4) easily accessible

we inform you that personal data provided to V.B. will be archived and then used for
1. possible contractual obligations
2. sending periodic promotional commercial communications to max once a month
3. sending notices of administrative deadlines, such as deadlines and / or changes
     in guarantees concerning the products purchased and the like
4. sending birthday wishes and / or on the occasion of festivities
the interested party is not obliged to provide his / her personal data, however in the case that this does not happen the V.B. It will NOT be able to provide the services and / or information requested by the same. The interested party may at any time request the copying, modification, integration or cancellation of their data at the following address